
Unholy, short story

First page of a short story I'm working on. Sorcery, fire, swords... I love it. More to come as more time creeps my way.



As soon as I layout the rest of the pages, I'll start the colors etc. Coming soon!


Talisman: Two

Talisman: Two, for Survival.


Talisman: One

An idea. You care about those right? Ideas.... Part of a series.


Class prep work

Some class sketch work for demonstrative purposes. Kids love that stuff, right? Anyway, working on a story along with my class to add emphasis to the lessons in character development I'm teaching. Tired Swordsman's leg is kinda stumpy, but I'll get to that pre-inks.


Siren 2

Been awhile since I worked on anything like this, it was fun. Sumi ink on some less expensive than "khadi" cotton rag + some subtle colors in photoshop. Onward.


Sometimes, I draw in pencil.

Damn Mr. White, you cold as ice.